Child Care Fees

Registration Fees: A non-refundable registration fee of $35.00 per family is due once placement is confirmed.

Fee Schedule: The following fees are effective as of September 8, 2020. There is a 10% discount for the oldest child when two children from the same family are enrolled.

TODDLER (19-30 months)
Daily Rate (Minimum 2 days/week) = $24.33/day
Weekly Rate (5 full days) = $242.50/week

PRESCHOOL (30-60 months)
Daily Rate (Minimum 2 days/week) = $21.50/day
Weekly Rate (5 full days) = $214.50/week

All diapers, wipes and sunscreen are provided by the Centre. Lunch and snacks are included in the fees.

Fee Subsidy: St. Thomas' Day Care has a Purchase of Service agreement with Niagara Region Children's Services for child care subsidy. Parents who qualify for either full or partial subsidy are required to adhere to the policies associated with fee subsidy as determined by the Region. Partial monthly fees are payable directly to St. Thomas' Day Care. Absent days not covered by the Region will be billed to families directly.

Payment: All fees must be paid in advance by the 15th of each month. We have an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program for those parents interested. EFT occurs on the 1st and 15th of each month. Fees can also be paid by e-transfer. CRAFTS is our interactive billing system. Parents have access to their account to review billing and access receipts, including annual receipts, at any time. An invitation will be sent by email to you for you to set up your account.

There will be a $20.00 charge for NSF or returned cheques.

Overdue Fees: Late fee payment for two consecutive weeks will result in your child's space being forfeited.

Statutory Holidays: Payment for Statutory holidays is required, as we must pay our staff for these days off. We observe the following Statutory Holidays: New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. Part-time children scheduled on a Statutory Holiday are required to pay for that day. Make-up days are granted based on availability on a first-come-first-served basis. Make-up days cannot be transferred from one calendar year to the next.

Absences (Vacation/Sick): Parents are requested to inform the Director (in advance where possible) about upcoming vacation to assist with staffing hours and program planning. You will be entitled to up to 5 vacation days (no fee) from January 1st to June 30th and up to another 5 days from July 1st to December 31st of each calendar year. The number of days that your child is registered for each week will determine the number of vacation days that you have for each 6 month period. Vacation days cannot be used for statutory holidays, but can be used if your child has missed a regularly scheduled day. It is your responsibility to request a vacation day.

Sick/Absent Days:If your child will be absent for any reason, please either call 905-688-3191 or email the Day Care Office at Please do not use HiMama for reporting absences. We record and track to monitor for potential outbreaks and appreciate your cooperation to help us keep all children and staff healthy!

Full fees are required for sick and absent days, unless you wish to use a vacation day. Make up days will not be granted for unreported absences.

Regularly Scheduled Closures: The Centre is closed each year for the following days:
The Thursday and Friday before Labour Day Weekend (in addition to Labour Day)
The three days between Christmas and New Year’s Day. (In addition to closing at 1pm on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day)

Note: Fees will not be charged for planned closures, with the exception of all applicable Statutory Holidays.

Emergency Closure; Ex. Snow Days: If the Centre is closed due to heavy snowfall or another emergency situation, full fees will be required for the day or days the Centre is closed. A message will be sent through HiMama if the Centre has to close for any reason. In addition, please listen to your local radio and TV stations for closure announcements.

Late Pickup: One full day for a child at the Centre is nine hours. Those who require their child to remain for a longer period will pay a surcharge at the Director's discretion. Extended hours should be considered exceptional.

There will be a $15.00 charge imposed for every 15 minutes (or portion thereof) for picking up a child after 6:00p.m. This fee will be increased to $20.00 for every 15 minutes at the discretion of the Executive Director for chronically late parents.