
Full-time child care is offered in spacious play rooms. Age-appropriate playgrounds with lots of shade ensure that children have a safe outdoor play experience. Many of our Staff have been with the Centre for over 15 years, providing quality child care in a loving and stable environment. Our on-site chef provides a nutritious hot lunch and two snacks daily, following the Canada Food Guide for both variety and serving sizes.

Program Development

Programs are re-evaluated regularly to reflect changes within the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 and ideologies in Early Childhood Education. Parent meetings are offered periodically for your interest. We use HiMama to document learning and as a communication tool for families.

Staff are co-learners and are responsive and reflective of children's needs and the needs of their family when possible. Observations, conversations and experiences are documented regularly through journaling, learning stories, charting, photos and displays. Documentation allows for reflections and opportunities for questioning and adjustment of the environment as the interests of children change.

St. Thomas' Day Care is an active participant in the Quality Child Care Niagara initiative. Staff members are trained to screen children to assist with providing age-appropriate activities that enhance development in all areas. Screening provides an opportunity for early identification of children who may need further evaluation and/or additional supports. A Resource Teacher from Preschool Services visits us regularly and provides further screening and support for children and their families as required.

Key community partners assist us in supporting children and their families. They include: St. Catharines Preschool Services, Niagara Region Children's Services, Niagara Region Public Health, Niagara Children's Centre, Pathstone Mental Health, Speech Services Niagara, and the Early Childhood Community Development Centre.

CRAFTS is our billing and secondary communication platform.