Menu Planning

Adequate nutrition is vital to children's health, growth, development and well-being. Educators support children's health and well-being by establishing positive eating environments that are responsive to children's cues of hunger and fullness. Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide recommendations are followed with regard to food choices and portions. Canada's Food Guide is posted for reference.

Snacks include at least 2 food groups. Lunch will include all four food groups. Morning snack will be served at approximately 8:45 a.m., lunch at 11:40 - 11:50 a.m., and afternoon snack at approximately 3:00 p.m. Any changes or substitutions made to menus will be posted.

Children's special dietary needs and allergies are posted in cooking, dining, and program areas. Weekly menu plans are posted for the current and the following week to assist you in menu planning at home.

We are able to accommodate most allergy and dietary restrictions.

Water is available to children at all times, particularly during the warmer weather.

We are a Nut Aware Day Care Centre!

Please do not bring any products containing peanuts or tree nuts of any kind into the building. If your child has had peanut butter or any other identified severe allergy posted at our entrance prior to coming into the Centre - please ensure that your child washes their hands thoroughly before touching anything within the Centre.